Hoooray! The mission President's wife came through today on the mission blog and posted pictures of the new missionaries. Thank you Sister Dennis!!! So, get ready for Ashley picture overload. Its now just a little bit more real that she's in Ecuador now. I'll post her letter from this week, and then all the pictures. Enjoy!
Hermana Roylance y Hermana Gonzales

Hello friends and family,
cant believe its monday again! This week went by so fast! Its still
warm here but Im learning to manage...and good news, my ankles have
reappeared...a little. haha
So right now I am sitting in a
mall. Yes, they have this big mall called City Mall and its just like
the US. Its so weird because you walk outside and its Ecuador with its
concrete houses and lomas (hills) filled with houses and its just so
different. Last week we ate Pizza from Pizza Hut in the food court so
that reminded me of home. They have lots of stuff here that you can find
in the US. I didnt think you could, but then again I didnt really know
what to expect from Guayaquil, but I love it all!
to the rescue! So I dont know if I said this but I live with the mission
nurses and the other morning an Elder called saying he was sick and
Hermana Vera (one of the other missionaries in my apartment-there are 4
of us total) asked him "do you want to speak in English, would that be
easier?" he said yes and then she handed the phone to me...I talked to
him and got to use my English and nursing at the same time! It was
awesome. I felt so blessed to have had the opportunity to help another
missionary and use my English. As for the Spanish, its coming slowly but
Ok so I never said where I live. To put it simply,
I live in a hobbit hole next to the Catholic church...yeah our
apartment is a small little thing with no windows in the area where we
study...well there is one window but it has a big curtain over it so all
we have is the lights on the wall which are not very bright and so
sometimes...like ok maybe every morning, I have to try REALLY hard not
to fall asleep during personal study..and yes we live next to the
Catholic church..Its pretty fun.
I am so grateful for my
companion! She is so kind and patient with me and my Spanish. Oh and she
finishes the juices that some of the members give us that I dont
like...shes the best! haha she is so funny and helps me in so many ways.
She pushes me to be a better missionary and to get out of my comfort
zone. Im out of my comfort zone a lot...like everytime I open my mouth
and try to speak Spanish..but I know the Lord will help me. I have
So this week was good. We found some new
investigators and one of our investigators that earlier in the week had
said she wasnt interested showed up at church yesterday and said she
wanted us to come over! Wow! It was amazing. We taught her and she said
that she had been reading the Book of Mormon. Her countenance had
changed..I could see it and when we left her house Hermana Gonzales just
said "el Libro de Mormon es la clave" The Book of Mormon is the key!
How true this is. I can see in our investiagators that read the Book of
Mormon that they are happier and more willing to open up and talk. The
Book of Mormon has power and Ive never seen how powerful it truly is
until now. I know the Book of Mormon is true and you can find peace and
guidance in its pages. Read it. Ponder it. Pray about. Its true!
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Hermana Roylance
Arrival at the Airport: President and Sister Dennis there to meet them
Group photo at the airport
Hermanas group photo at the airport
Catching taxis back to the mission home
I don't think that Ashley has ever been in a taxi in her life
Instruction at the Mission President's home
Lunch at the Mission President's home
Lunch at the Mission President's home
Group photo at the Mission President's home
Hermanas group photo at the Mission President's home
Mission Office : Waiting for their interviews with President Dennis
2nd day in Ecuador : Training
2nd day in Ecuador : Training
2nd day in Ecuador : Lunch
2nd day in Ecuador : New missionaries with trainers
2nd day in Ecuador :One last group photo
2nd day in Ecuador : New pillow and new mattress cover
2nd day in Ecuador : Catching a taxi on the way to their area
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