Sunday, March 12, 2017

Chapter 67 - The Best Christmas Yet!

Hey Everyone!
Christmas S'mores

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! This Christmas was listerally the best! It was like a week long of festivities. Well, it kind of started las week with the even in Guayaquil that I told you about but then THERE WAS MORE. So on Tuesday, we had a little family home evening/multi-zone conference with Zona Manta, Portoviejo, and Bahia. So fun. They had little messages they shared with us and then each zone did a skit and they were so funny. ah man, someday I will show you the video because I don't think it will send. Anyway, we had a dinner too and yeah, all good on Tuesday. Then on Friday we had a dinner as a Zone with an Hermana from Manta who made was sooo good. Turkey and rice (because...Ecuador) and fruit salad and cookies (yes, Christmas cookies...Ecaudor version, but nonetheless they were sugar cookies and actually pretty good) and cake and cupcakes (she spoiled us) and so that was great as well. Then on Sunday, on Christmas, we went to church and we had 5 investigators there which was like the best Christmas gift ever....3 of which were Rocio and her 2 kids, Johan and Dayana. They are probably my favorite family. They are going to get baptized on the 31st and that makes me super happy. But like in the morning we are going to meet her to go to church and we just see her coming down the road and we're like WHERE ARE YOUR KIDS?! (because if her kids didn't go to church that Sunday, then they all couldn't get baptized together on the 31st so we talked for a minute and then persuaded her to go back and we got her kids and we all went to church...also my companion forgot her nametag that morning and we were running late...BUT we got there and all was well. My companion and I sang a special number in Sacrament meeting. I sang the first verse of Hark the Harold Angels Sing in English and then we both sang the second verse in went pretty well. And then we both gave talks about Christmas and about Christ. They were great. All I prayed for was that my message could touch the heart of someone. Well, I know the Lord is mindful of us and is in the details because after sacrament meeting, one hermana came up to me and said "Thank you so much Hermanas for your messages, they really touched my heart." Ok can you say direct answer from God. He answers prays, I am telling you. Anyway, then that afternoon we went out to work. This year was different because last year there were rules where we couldn't leave the house the whole day on Christmas but this year we got a letter from the area saying we could so we working and let me tell you it was awesome. We had to avoid the drunk people...but it all went well. We went and visited Rocio and, oh my she is so cute, she gave us little bracelts that they had bought for us! I will never forget the look on her face when she gave them to us. It filled me with so much joy I cannot describe it. Not the fact that it was a present but just the fact that someone valued us so much to buy us something and think of us touched my heart. That is a memory I will never forget. In the night we made smores (a new adventure for my companion) and that pretty much summed up the night. Overall, it was a very memorable Christmas. We went out and worked and did just what Christ would have done and that is the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you for all your love and support. Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año!

Hermana Roylance
FHE w/ President and Sister Santos

Zone Christmas Dinner

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