Dear Friends and Family,
Navidad! I hope you are all enjoying these last few days before
Christmas. It's so weird to think that Christmas is this week, it is so
different being on a mission during this time of year. I'm not around my
family, I'm speaking another language, and it's really hot which just
does not equal Christmas in my mind haha but I like it. The people here
have Christmas trees and other decorations so that helps me get in the
Spirit. Also the opportunity to serve others instead of think of myself
is an opportunity I am really grateful for as well.
Zona La Florida |
Christmas in South America:
Christmas traditions here in South America are so different from the
United States but it has been fun to learn more about their culture and
how they celebrate Christmas. So on the 24th they all get together as
family as most of us do, but they open up presents at like 11 pm and
then eat La Cena or a huge dinner that starts at 12am and they just eat
and eat and then sleep for like the whole day on the 25th. I was like
wow that is way different than Christmas in the U.S. They eat all sorts
of meat and chocolates and other food in la cena oh and they love fruit
cake....yeah it's really big. I don't really understand it but they love
it haha
Also, we got to go to the temple this week! Oh it
was soo awesome. I have missed the temple and it's only been like 2
months more or less since I went to the temple last in Colombia but I
have really missed it. It truly is a part of heaven on the earth. The
peace you feel in the temple is unlike any other peace in the world. We
can set aside all our worldy cares and just focus on being in the
temple. No matter where you are in the world, you can go to the House of
the Lord and find refuge, peace, and comfort. I am go grateful for the
opportunity we had to go to the temple and I encourage all of you to go
to the temple as often as you can. Take advantage of the great blessing
it is to have a temple, well multiple temples, so close!
just a few more things. Life not being in a trio has been a little
strange which is weird because before I wasn't in a trio but I don't
know, it just feels weird. It's like, just when you get used to
something, it changes. It's probably a good thing though. It's kinda
rough being two new missionaries trying to figure out how to do
everything that we need to do but I know that the Lord has prepared us
and will continue to be our strength. We are nothing without God and I
know there is absolutely no way I could be a missionary without His
Thank you Cub Scout Pack for the letter! So I work in the mission
office right now two days out of the week because my companion is a
mission nurse and she has to do stuff in the office and therefore I go
with her and all the mail comes here first before going out to the
missionaries and so you can only imagine my surprise when one of the
Elders just out of the blue asks me "Hermana Roylance, were you close to
the Scouts in your ward?" haha I was so confused and taken aback but
then he gave me the letter. THANK YOU DC2nd WARD! It was such a sweet
thing to do, it made me think of home. Thank you for all your support
and prayers! :)
Hermana Roylance
Pictures are from a tourist place called Al Faro
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